{# /** * @file * Default view template to display all the fields in a row. * * Available variables: * - view: The view in use. * - fields: A list of fields, each one contains: * - content: The output of the field. * - raw: The raw data for the field, if it exists. This is NOT output safe. * - class: The safe class ID to use. * - handler: The Views field handler controlling this field. * - inline: Whether or not the field should be inline. * - wrapper_element: An HTML element for a wrapper. * - wrapper_attributes: List of attributes for wrapper element. * - separator: An optional separator that may appear before a field. * - label: The field's label text. * - label_element: An HTML element for a label wrapper. * - label_attributes: List of attributes for label wrapper. * - label_suffix: Colon after the label. * - element_type: An HTML element for the field content. * - element_attributes: List of attributes for HTML element for field content. * - has_label_colon: A boolean indicating whether to display a colon after * the label. * - element_type: An HTML element for the field content. * - element_attributes: List of attributes for HTML element for field content. * - row: The raw result from the query, with all data it fetched. * * @see template_preprocess_views_view_fields() * * @ingroup themeable */ #} {% set bg = row.index % 2 == 0 ? 'c-theme-bg' : 'c-bg-red' %} {% set image_split = [ '
', '
', '
', '', '
', '
', '
', '
', '
', ] %} {% set body_split = [ '
', '
', '
', '

', fields.title.content, '

', '
', fields.body.content, '
', '

', fields.price__number.content, '

', '
', '', 'BUY NOW'|t, '', '
', fields.rendered_entity.content, '
', '
', fields|without('counter', 'jango_cms_entity_path', 'title', 'body', 'price__number', 'rendered_entity', 'jango_cms_single_image_url'), '
', '
', '
', ] %}
{% if row.index % 2 != 0 %} {% for imgspl in image_split %} {{ imgspl|raw }} {% endfor %} {% for bdspl in body_split %} {{ bdspl|raw }} {% endfor %} {% else %} {% for bdspl in body_split %} {{ bdspl|raw }} {% endfor %} {% for imgspl in image_split %} {{ imgspl|raw }} {% endfor %} {% endif %}